Exchange Delegation Federation / Microsoft Federation Gateway / Renew Certificate

From Ilianko

EAC is alerting for certificate expiration.

Certtificate about to expire.png

It is easier to renew the certificate before expiration.

Generate new self signed certificate from exchange shell

Key Identifier ( Random name for the key)

$:\> $SKI = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N");
$:\> echo $SKI

Create Key

New-ExchangeCertificate -DomainName 'Federation' -FriendlyName "Exchange Delegation Federation" `
  -Services Federation -SubjectKeyIdentifier $SKI -PrivateKeyExportable $true
Thumbprint                                Subject                                                                                                                                                                
----------                                -------                                                                                                                                                                
133F83817AD86C127C0A71B92214C52D6B3A4D31  CN=Federation                                                                                                                                                          

Set the "next" in exchange

$:\>Set-FederationTrust -Identity "Microsoft Federation Gateway" -Thumbprint 133F83817AD86C127C0A71B92214C52D6B3A4D31 -RefreshMetaData
WARNING: The federation trust has changed to prepare for the usage of a new certificate for Federation. `
You should update all TXT proof-of-ownership  records that were previously set in DNS for all the domains `
configured for Federation before publishing the new certificate.
The new hash-value should be replaced with the OrgNextCertificate proof value output generated with `
"Get-FederatedDomainProof -DomainName".

Update DNS TXT record

Find and update the TXT record responsible for Federation

$:\>nslookup -type=txt	text = "v=spf1 mx -all"	text = "google-site-verification=...	text = "qwa3SWMSP+278DT56LL2y+QmQ33UgQzRuofsRjLrZIyhl8O...=="

Authoritative answers can be found from:

Get-FederatedDomainProof -DomainName| Format-List Thumbprint,Proof

Thumbprint : 133F83817AD86C127C0A71B92214C52D6B3A4D31
Proof      : asaq33FMhbo05dK8M+Tek1gj7frqmnatO1hM5MWLx98yLivsrIJQ6M1Zk4W90bmSE4...==
Thumbprint : 993FF8C8E1F312FE59CF6C047C60FAF35AC33F66
Proof      : qwa3SWMSP+278DT56LL2y+QmQ33UgQzRuofsRjLrZIyhl8O...==

New TXT record

$:\>nslookup -type=txt	text = "v=spf1 mx -all"	text = "google-site-verification=...	text = "asaq33FMhbo05dK8M+Tek1gj7frqmnatO1hM5MWLx98yLivsrIJQ6M1Zk4W90bmSE4...=="

New TXT record

$:\>nslookup -type=txt ns.local.dns	text = "v=spf1 mx -all"	text = "google-site-verification=...	text = "asaq33FMhbo05dK8M+Tek1gj7frqmnatO1hM5MWLx98yLivsrIJQ6M1Zk4W90bmSE4...=="

Test before change

$:\> Test-FederationTrust -UserIdentity
 Begin process.

STEP 1 of 6: Getting ADUser information for
RESULT: Success.

STEP 2 of 6: Getting FederationTrust object for
RESULT: Success.

STEP 3 of 6: Validating that the FederationTrust has the same STS certificates as the actual certificates published by the STS in the federation metadata.
RESULT: Success.

STEP 4 of 6: Getting STS and Organization certificates from the federation trust object...
RESULT: Success.

Validating current configuration for
Validation successful.

STEP 5 of 6: Requesting delegation token...
RESULT: Success. Token retrieved.

STEP 6 of 6: Validating delegation token...
RESULT: Success.

Closing Test-FederationTrust...

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : FederationTrustConfiguration
Type       : Success
Message    : FederationTrust object in ActiveDirectory is valid.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : FederationMetadata
Type       : Success
Message    : The federation trust contains the same certificates published by the security token service in its federation metadata.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : StsCertificate
Type       : Success
Message    : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerCertificate in the FederationTrust object.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : StsPreviousCertificate
Type       : Success
Message    : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerPrevCertificate in the FederationTrust object.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : OrganizationCertificate
Type       : Success
Message    : Valid certificate referenced by property OrgPrivCertificate in the FederationTrust object.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : TokenRequest
Type       : Success
Message    : Request for delegation token succeeded.

RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78
Id         : TokenValidation
Type       : Success
Message    : Requested delegation token is valid.

Set Apply the "Next" certificate

Set-FederationTrust -Identity "Microsoft Federation Gateway" -PublishFederationCertificate


FederationTrust object is expired

Certificate was created with local time. This was 2 hours earlier ... Solution: wait Error: ... STEP 4 of 6: Getting STS and Organization certificates from the federation trust object... WARNING: Could not retrieve orgPrivCertificate from GetOrganizationCertificates Closing Test-FederationTrust... ... RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78 Id : OrganizationCertificate Type : Error Message : Certificate referenced by property OrgPrivCertificate in the FederationTrust object is expired. Error: GetOrganizationCertificates(federationTrust) returned null when called in Process() + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], LocalizedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=mail,RequestId=3fa41912-ddfa-41af-b063-92cb4fa6623d,TimeStamp=12/2/2019 8:46:58 AM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet- LocalizedException] 3CE8F0B2 + PSComputerName : Certificate $:\> get-federationtrust |select * RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78 ApplicationIdentifier : 0000000048307 ApplicationUri : OrgCertificate : [Subject] CN=Federation [Issuer] CN=Federation [Serial Number] JHKJD6756JHG26KJ54D6WD46QW [Not Before] 12/2/2019 9:23:23 AM [Not After] 12/2/2024 9:23:23 AM

Deleted Old Certificate

The old certificate is not automatically removed. After remove with mmc console the following error appears. RunspaceId : ea565-64c3-4656-9e7f-420a7b4a4d78 Id : OrganizationPreviousCertificate Type : Error Message : Unable to find the certificate referenced by property OrgPrevPrivCertificate in the FederationTrust object. WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Test-FederationTrust], NullReferenceException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.TestFederationTrust + PSComputerName : Solution: Clear the OrgPrevPrivCertificate with ADSIEdit