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From Ilianko
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Model na programirane s MPI

Достп до клъстера

Достъп до БлуеГене/P

Използване на MPI под Windows

Какво е MPI

стартиране и създаване на приложения


най-използвани библиотеки


1. Compile your OpenMP application g++ -fopenmp -o <output_file> <source_files>

2. Compile your MPI application mpicxx -o <output_file> <source_files>

3. Compiling your MPI + OpenMP application mpicxx -fopenmp -o <output_file> <source_files>

4. Compile your MPI application with MPE support. This will generate a clog2 when you start the executable mpicxx -mpe=mpilog -o <output_file> <source_files>

5. Execute a MPI program mpiexec -n <number of nodes> ./<executable> <input parameters>

6. Login to one of the two 8 core Xeon processors ssh wn9 ssh wn10

7. Target a specific node with the MPI application. The file in the below command must have the syntax <IP address>:<number of MPI processes>. The IP address can be between - Computers from to have two cores and the two remaining have 8 cores each. mpiexec -machinefile <file name> -n <number of nodes> ./<executable> <input parameters>

8. nohup nohup <command> > out.txt 2>&1 &