Цифрови камери
From Ilianko
1. Разглежда не R, G, B каналите
#include <opencv/highgui.h> //OpenCV GUI functions ̄include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h> //main OpenCV functions
int main()
IplImage *img, *img_r, *img_g, *img_b ; // image structer
int x,y, w = 512, h = 512; //image size
img_r = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
img_g = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
img_b = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
img = cvLoadImage("lena_std.tif",1);
for(x=0; x<img->width; x++)
for(y=0;y<img->height; y++)
(img_r->imageData + img_r->widthStep*y)[x]= (img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+2];
(img_g->imageData + img_g->widthStep*y)[x]= (img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+1];
(img_b->imageData + img_b->widthStep*y)[x]= (img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3];
cvNamedWindow("red", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("red", img_r);
cvNamedWindow("green", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("green", img_g);
cvNamedWindow("blue", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("blue", img_b);
cvNamedWindow("rgb", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("rgb", img);
//wait for key to close the window
cvDestroyWindow( "blue" ); //destroy the window
cvDestroyWindow( "red" );
cvDestroyWindow( "green" );
cvDestroyWindow( "rgb" );
cvReleaseImage( &img ); //release the memory for the image
cvReleaseImage( &img_r );
cvReleaseImage( &img_g );
cvReleaseImage( &img_b );
return 0;
2. Получаване на черно бяло изображение
include <opencv/highgui.h> //OpenCV GUI functions ̄include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h> //main OpenCV functions
int main()
IplImage *img, *img_bw ; // image structure
int x,y, w = 512, h = 512; //image size
img_bw = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
img = cvLoadImage("lena_std.tif",1);
for(x=0; x<img->width; x++)
for(y=0;y<img->height; y++)
(img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*y)[x] =
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+2]) >> 2 ) + ((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+2]) >> 4 ) +
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+1]) >> 1 ) + ((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+1]) >> 4 ) +
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3]) >> 3 );
cvNamedWindow("rgb", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("rgb", img);
cvNamedWindow("bw", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("bw", img_bw);
//wait for key to close the window
cvDestroyWindow( "bw" );
cvDestroyWindow( "rgb" );
cvReleaseImage( &img ); //release the memory for the image
cvReleaseImage( &img_bw );
return 0;
3. Извличане на Bayern pattern
#include <opencv/highgui.h> //OpenCV GUI functions ̄include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h> //main OpenCV functions
int main()
IplImage *img, *img_bw ; // image structure
int x,y, w = 512, h = 512; //image size
img_bw = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
img = cvLoadImage("lena_std.tif",1);
int b = 1, r = 0, g = 1, br = 0;
for(x=0; x<img->width; x++)
b = ( b == 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
r = ( r == 1) ? 0 : 1;
for(y=0;y<img->height; y++)
g = (g == 1) ? 0 : 1;
br = (br == 1) ? 0 : 1;
(img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*y)[x] =
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+2])*br*r)+
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+1])*g ) +
((uchar)((img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3])*br*b);
cvNamedWindow("rgb", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("rgb", img);
cvNamedWindow("bw", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("bw", img_bw);
cvSaveImage("out2.bmp", img_bw, 0);
//wait for key to close the window
cvDestroyWindow( "bw" );
cvDestroyWindow( "rgb" );
cvReleaseImage( &img ); //release the memory for the image
cvReleaseImage( &img_bw );
return 0;
4. Преобразуване от bayer pattern в RGB
#include <opencv/highgui.h> //OpenCV GUI functions ̄include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h> //main OpenCV functions
int main()
IplImage *img, *img_bw ; // image structure
int x,y, w = 512, h = 512; //image size
img = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
img_bw = cvLoadImage("lennaBG.bmp",0);
int b = 0, r = 1, g = 1, br = 0;
for(x=1; x<img->width-1; x++)
b = ( b == 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
r = ( r == 1) ? 0 : 1;
for(y=1;y<img->height-1; y++)
g = (g == 1) ? 0 : 1;
br = (br == 1) ? 0 : 1;
(img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3] = (img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*(y-1*g))[x-1*r];
(img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+1] = (img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*(y+1*br))[x]*b +
(img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*(y+1*g))[x]*r;
(img->imageData + img->widthStep*y)[x*3+2] = (img_bw->imageData + img_bw->widthStep*(y+1*br))[x+1*b] ;
cvNamedWindow("rgb", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("rgb", img);
cvNamedWindow("bw", 1);
//display the image in the window
cvShowImage("bw", img_bw);
cvSaveImage("out1.bmp", img, 0);
//wait for key to close the window
cvDestroyWindow( "bw" );
cvDestroyWindow( "rgb" );
cvReleaseImage( &img ); //release the memory for the image
cvReleaseImage( &img_bw );
return 0;
5. Оценка на разликите