From Ilianko
Revision as of 16:44, 5 January 2012 by Anko (talk | contribs)

If your problem involves the inability mount or export shares please also include: a copy of your /etc/exports file

  • the output of rpcinfo -p localhost run on the server
  • the output of rpcinfo -p servername run on the client


The required packages are different depending on if the system is a client or a server. In this Howto, the server is the host that has the files you want to share and the client is the host that will be mounting the NFS share. NFSv4 client

  1. apt-get install nfs-common

NFSv4 server

  1. apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

After you finish installing nfs-kernel-server, you might see failure to start nfs-kernel-server due to missing entries in /etc/exports. Remember to restart the service when you finish configuring.

For the error message: mount.nfs4: No such device

You will have to load the nfs module with the command

  1. modprobe nfs

NFSv4 without Kerberos

NFSv4 Server